Harvesto manufactures world's highest-selling Soi​l Testing Equipments / Soil Testing Kits for the agriculture sector.
We manufacture several Soil Testing Equipments such as Agriculture Soil Testing Kits, Harvesto Soil Lab - Harvesto Digital Soil Testing Mini Lab, Soil pH Meter, Soil EC Meter, NPK Colour Chart Based Soil Testing Kit, Soil Moisture Meter, Soil Temperature Meter and Colour Chart Soil Testing Kit.
Harvesto's Soil Testing Equipments are used to determine the nutrient content in soil using various methods, and the digital equipments also recommend crop-specific fertiliser dose for crops based on the tests. Harvesto's Soil Testing Equipments come in variety of ranges so that they can be used in different industries and by different stakeholders.
Soil Testing Equipments available with Harvesto​:
Harvesto Soil Lab - Harvesto Digital Soil Testing Mini Lab
NPK Testing Kit (Colour Chart Based)
Soil pH Meter
Soil EC Meter
Soil Moisture Meter
Soil Temperature Meter
Colour Chart Soil Testing Kit
Parameters Tested by various Harvesto Soil Testing Equipments:
Available Organic Carbon (OC)
Available Nitrogen (N)
Available Phosphorus (P)
Available Potassium (K)
Available Zinc (Zn)
Available Sulphur (S)
Available Boron (B)
Available Copper (Cu)
Available Iron (Fe)
Available Manganese (Mn)
Electrical Conductivity (EC)
Lime requirement test for Acidic Soil
Gypsum requirement test for alkaline soil

Soil Testing Lab
Harvesto Soil Lab being used by a rural entrepreneur in Uttar Pradesh.

Government Lab
Harvesto Soil Lab being used by a Government department.

Mobile Lab in Van
Harvesto Soil Lab being used as Mobile Lab installed in a van.

Soil Testing Lab in Agri-Input Shop
Harvesto Soil Lab being used by an agri-input shop owner to give soil testing report to farmers.

Soil Testing Lab Bus
Harvesto Soil Lab being used as Mobile Lab installed in a bus.

Soil Testing Lab
Harvesto Soil Lab being appreciated by the then Hon'ble Agriculture Minister of India.